About the Website
Founded in 2022 by Max Barker, Ecohumanism Research is a website dedicated to advancing ecohumanism through research and analysis for helping humanity to thrive beyond survival.
What distinguishes Ecohumanism Research is that it operates independently, meaning that it has no formal or official ties with any individual or organization. This is done with intent so as to minimize the risk of bias and the potential for conflicts of interest.
The website also represents an initiative for promoting solutions to problems affecting humanity through the application of ecohumanism, in addition to fostering closer relations between all people so as to encourage the development of a culture that functions in harmony with nature. Emphasis is placed on the academic and public spheres of influence so as to guide their mergence.
Due to the nature of its endeavors, Ecohumanism Research may be viewed as a semi-academic project. This is because it adopts a hybrid approach to research and analysis. What this means is that it combines objectivity and subjectivity for publishing content that has more relevance to long-term human survival and well-being, relative to an approach that is respectively either technocratic or democratic. In this sense, Ecohumanism Research proposes a nondual approach to thought and action.
What Ecohumanism is
Ecohumanism is a philosophy that encourages human survival, happiness, and evolution. In simple terms, it may be viewed as a culture, i.e. a way of life. Hence, the philosophy may be viewed as promoting what is more commonly known as “sustainability”.
Within the context of history, ecohumanism represents humanity’s natural progression away from its anthropocentric tendencies. Further, it signifies humanity’s transition away from its animal roots though without becoming entirely separate from them as they are necessary for human survival and happiness.
The philosophy of ecohumanism is at once both religious and scientific. Hence, it is neither a religion nor a science. It has the static quality of religion as it is based upon logical truths derived from nature, yet it also has the dynamic quality of science, which is reflective of how knowledge is constantly evolving in accordance to the discovery of facts.
Ecohumanism is based upon both positive law and natural law. Hence, it is a philosophy that is lawful in every regard. It is for this reason why it is neither a religion nor a science. Thus, more specifically, it may be viewed as a holistic philosophy due to its emphasis on the interaction between humans and their environment.
With the above-mentioned having been said, ecohumanism may be defined as “a holistic philosophy that encourages long-term human survival, happiness, and evolution through the emphasis of the systemic relationship between humans and their respective environment, in accordance to ecological theory”.
About the Founder

Max Barker is the founder of Ecohumanism Research. After beginning an independent inquiry in 2016 with the intent of understanding the world and the problems affecting it, he has since developed the website for publishing research pertaining to human survival, happiness, and evolution.
In terms of formal education, Max has graduated from university in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography, a certificate in Permaculture Design, and is a recipient of the Canadian Association of Geographers 2020 Undergraduate Award.